Generational Snapshot #6: Nexters

Continuing with our look at Generational snapshots to begin 2013.. This will reveal the elements that make up that generation’s CODE, which in turn is the basis for how that generation perceives the world, its role, and that of other generations. When you get to the core of what people in a generation have in common—their shared experiences as a collective—you begin to see the big picture of why, as a generation, people do what they do, why they see the world as they see it, and how/why they lead, or micro-manage a project, relationship, or team. This week’s snapshot features the Nexter Generation.

Natural Realities in a nutshell:
Born: 2000-Present
Names: Nexters
Archetype Artists
Mood: Sensitive
Focus: They worry about saving money with their parents, wearing their bike helmets, using sanitizing gel, getting the flu.
Technology: iPods, iPads, Cloud computing, Global Access
Shifts: Diversity, Strangers are Dangerous, Your every action hurts or helps the environment
Beliefs: Children around the world are my friends, peers; we are global citizens
Anchor Points: Pandemics, Amber alerts, Great Recession, Hand Sanitizers, Bike Helmets, Schools Closures due to Flu

Natural realities explained:
Nexters were born in 2000 and after and can be described as sensitive artists, overprotected, and ethnically diverse. They have been taught such lessons as “Never leave home without your helmet.” Nexters are children of the Crisis with “Stranger Danger,” Amber alerts, and pandemics being regular occurrences in their daily lives.

Due to the state of the economy, they think about saving money with and for their parents. They are hearing about radiation spills and the celebration over the death of Public Enemy #1 Osama Bin Laden.

They also are seeing a President of the United States of America who could be any one of them—humble beginnings, broken family, poverty and mixed race, but still able to create a path to success through hard work and persevering to the end.
