Are you losing people, productivity and profits because of generational friction?

Anna crafts each keynote to deliver a customized experience that blends transformational stories, current research, and relevant case studies.

Her engaging keynotes help you understand, lead, sell, leverage and deliver extraordinary customer service to every generation.

Which keynote below is right for you?

Generational CODES™

“What Makes the Generations Tick and What Ticks Them Off”

The Complaints:
  • “I’m not their BFF, I’m their BOSS!”
  • “They ‘Live to Work’. I ‘Work to Live’ This job is not my life.”
  • “They send five-screen text messages. That’s not a text, it’s an email.”
  • “They want the title, but they don’t want to put in the time.”
  The Takeaways:
  • Powerful strategies for reducing generational conflict, confusion and costly missteps.
  • Profitable ways to decrease Millennial and Gen Z talent turnover and lost productivity.
  • Critical skills to transform generational obstacles into opportunities.
  • The essential communication blueprint leaders must have to lead, sell and serve across generations.

Leading the Generations

Managing and Motivating in a Multigenerational Marketplace

The Complaints:

  • “They are snowflakes who need constant feedback.”
  • “They never want to try anything new, they are tech adverse.”
  • “They expect to be promoted before they’ve earn it.”
  • “They won’t retire and get out of the way.”

The Takeaways:

  • New, immediately actionable techniques for leading and mentoring across generations.
  • Proven strategies for attracting top talent (and keeping them from walking out the door to the competition).
  • Insight into each generation’s values, motivators, and needs.
  • Leadership strategies you can apply today to create a Generationally Savvy culture.

Selling to the Generations

Selling Across the Generations

The Complaints:

  • “They waste my time with stories about ‘when I started out’.”
  • “They don’t appreciate the value of a face to face meeting.”
  • “They don’t know how to dress appropriately for a sales call.”
  • “They think Power Point is a cutting-edge sales tool.”

The Takeaways:

  • Masterful insights into how each generation works, communicates, thinks, and buys.
  • Profitable techniques to create a fast and genuine connection with new customers.
  • Key strategies for selling to your customers’ expectations, not your own.
  • Powerful ways to avoid common communication pitfalls when selling across generations


Customer Service Across the Generations

Customer Service: The New Rules of Engagement

The Complaints:

  • “They are always looking at their phones.”
  • “They are blunt to the point of rudeness.”
  • “I just want to get my question answered; not hear their life story.”
  • “Their service vocabulary consists of grunts, ‘whatever’, and ‘fine’.”

The Takeaways:

  • The core differences in how each generation defines customer service.
  • What you should and should not do when serving customers from different generations.
  • Surprising customer service practices that work for one generation, but tick off another.
  • How to increase customer loyalty from each generation.